Monday 25 March 2019

Morning Fitness Sessions

Morning Fitness Sessions

We a proud to be the Reading Eggs winning class.

This is what our morning fitness session looks like. We start of by doing a lap around the bike track. Mrs Rassool times us and we aim to beat our time from the previous day. 

Basketball is one option.

The second option is learning how to use the hula hoops.

The third option is learning how to skip.

The fourth option is throwing the tennis ball onto the gutter board and trying to catch it.

The fifth option is dribbling the soccer ball in between the cones.

It is heaps of fun. We are feeling much fitter now.

On Fridays we join W20 and do some Zumba. 


  1. Congratulations W23 on the Reading Eggs win. Fitness looks fun. Laekim.

  2. Thanks Laekim. So awesome to see your brother trying his best to keep fit.
